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Brand personality

In the world of marketing, much is said about the personality and tone of brands, and this plays a fundamental role when creating strategies. A successful brand not only sells products or services, but also communicates a compelling identity.

Defining your brand’s personality and choosing the right tone of communication are essential to establish an emotional connection with your audience and stand out in the market. But how do you do it? It’s time to discover the steps to achieve it.

What is brand personality?

Brand personality refers to the human characteristics associated with a company. This is the way it presents itself and is perceived by the audience. This personality influences the brand’s interactions with its audience, so it is very important to build a consistent identity.

Learn how to create your brand personality
Know your brand in depth
First and foremost when creating your business personality is to discover your DNA. Start by asking yourself:
  • What is your purpose and value proposition?
  • What are your objectives and goals that guide your company? It’s time to identify what are those pillars that will guide your brand.
  • What makes your brand stand out and be different from your competition? To solve this question, we recommend you to do a market research and identify who your competition is and what makes you different from them.
Research your audience
Knowing your audience is vital to creating a personality that resonates with them. What we know in the marketing world as a Buyer Persona. Let the action begin!
  • Start by describing your audience’s behavior: what they read, what they listen to, what they do, where they go. This will be your roadmap for creating strategies.
  • Analyze what your target audience needs, wants and problems.
  • Create an empathy map to see the world from your customer’s perspective. This resource will help you discover their emotions, motivations and frustrations

Imagine your brand as if it were a person

It’s time to humanize your brand. Surely, at some point you have made a match with a brand and you don’t know why. This is because every brand projects a personality with which we feel more or less identified. To create your brand’s personality, start by studying Jung’s 12 personality archetypes and identify which one defines it best, for example:
  • The Innocent: Inspires purity, simplicity and conveys a message of optimism and positivity about oneself.
  • The explorer: He is adventurous and has a thirst to discover even the most hidden places in the world; he is fun, but can also be a bit fickle or distant if the routine starts to tire him.
  • The Lover: This is an indulgent and passionate personality. He can also have an air of exclusivity. 
Tone of communication

The tone of communication is the voice of your brand; this refers to the words and expressions that can create an emotional connection with your audience, increasing loyalty and interaction. It should reflect the characteristics of your archetype. If your brand is friendly and approachable, use warm and approachable language. If it is innovative and avant-garde, adopt a modern and dynamic tone.

Keep in mind that your brand must be able to adapt the tone according to the context and platform. For example, the tone of communication on LinkedIn may be more professional, while on Instagram it may be more relaxed and fun.


Gather feedback from your audience and make adjustments as needed to continuously  improve your communication.

Defining your brand personality and choosing the right communication tone is a strategic process that requires a deep understanding of your identity and recognition of your audience. Just like in a game of chess, every move must be carefully calculated and executed.

At Ideal Team, we are here to help you build a strong, authentic brand that resonates with your audience and makes you stand out on the competitive marketing board. Ready to make your next move?

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